Re: Weirdness in Sunos 4.1.3ui/ a cracker in the libs?

Karl Strickland (
Wed, 2 Nov 1994 00:49:29 +0000 (GMT)

> Those open UDP ports are most probably connections for the syslog.
> For a process to send UDP packets, it needs to open a UDP socket.
> Once "openlog" runs, it opens a socket for later use.  
> I saw "probably" because it is always possible that someone has
> subverted the code and is using the socket for more than syslog, but
> that would be far more clever than anything I've ever seen a real
> intruder do.

Well, maybe the 'really clever' stuff is that which you dont see. :-)

Mailed using ELM on FreeBSD               |                    Karl Strickland
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